Hemorrhoid Treatments

What are the treatment options for hemorrhoids?

There are both non-surgical and surgical approaches to the treatment of hemorrhoids. Your doctor can help you determine what the appropriate management may be based on your individual needs. Non-surgical treatment options include dietary and lifestyle modifications, the use of medications, infrared coagulation (laser) therapy and rubber band ligation. In certain settings, your doctor may refer you for a consultation with one of our colorectal surgery colleagues. To best determine what is right for you, please contact us to schedule a consultation with one of our physicians.


What is infrared coagulation therapy (IRC)?

Infrared coagulation therapy (IRC) is performed for bleeding internal hemorrhoids non-responsive to conservative treatment. It is a minimally invasive treatment during which your doctor places a small probe at the site of the hemorrhoids and applies a few short bursts of infrared light. The tissue at the site of the hemorrhoids scars and as a result cuts off the blood supply to the hemorrhoid. Eventually, the hemorrhoid tissue shrinks and withers away. The procedure is quick, well-tolerated and largely complication free.


Is IRC painful?

Sensitivity to the procedure varies but it is generally well tolerated with minimal side effects. A brief sensation of heat may be felt at the time of the procedure but it is not associated with significant pain.


How to prepare for IRC?

In most cases, no preparation is required for the infrared coagulation of hemorrhoids. If you wish to have sedation, fasting 8 hours prior to the procedure and an escort to take you home will need to be arranged.


What to expect after IRC?

The procedure generally takes a few minutes to complete and is performed in office with no overnight hospital stays required. There are typically no post-treatment effects. In the few days post procedure, slight bleeding can occur as well as an urge to defecate. Stool softeners and Sitz baths are used post-procedure to aid in the healing process. Patients may return to regular activities and lifestyle shortly after treatment.


What is hemorrhoid banding?

Rubber band ligation of hemorrhoids is commonly used for the treatment of bleeding internal hemorrhoids. A small band is placed at the base of the hemorrhoid to cut off its blood supply. After a few days, the hemorrhoid shrinks and symptoms improve. The procedure is quick, well-tolerated and largely complication free.

What to expect after hemorrhoid banding?

The procedure is generally well tolerated with no anesthesia required. Side effects from the procedure are generally mild. In the few days post procedure, some discomfort may occur along with slight bleeding. Patients may return to regular activities and lifestyle shortly after treatment.


What treatment is right for me?

To determine which treatment may be appropriate for you, please contact us to schedule a consultation with a member of our team.

The information provided above is meant to be used as an informative guide for patients. For precise and individualized recommendations, please consult with one of our board certified gastroenterologists to discuss your symptoms.

For additional information or to book an appointment at the Gastroenterology Center of New York, please feel free to reach out to our dedicated team by calling us at 718-210-2960. You can also schedule online or reach out to us via the Contact Us form.

Questions? Our staff is always happy to assist.
Email us at info@gastrocenterofny.com or call us at 718.210.2960